Thursday, December 28, 2006

Recognition and Repetition

Shreya now has the ability to recognise music, books and her toys.
Isn't this good news? Yes. But recognition comes with a price.
Repetion. She insists on playing the same song, reading the same book over and over again. Why, even eating the same snacks or food.

If she had the ability to recognise this blog and post, she might insist on publishing this post everyday.

In order to preserve the sanity of the readers, that will not happen

Monday, December 25, 2006

Shreya's first alphabet - Not "A"

The first alphabet Shreya mouthed was "X"
Can you imagine?

Now, what can I infer from this?

A) She is referring to her chromosones - which are two Xs

B) Is she saying she has X-ray vision - by picking up objects that are invisible to naked eyes?

C) is she going to develop something like "X-rays"

Ah! I am a typical mother reading too much into this

I think her lips probably prefer to say"X" first

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Philosophy maybe?

When I told shreya that we shd keep up our word and promises, she took that literally
I mean, she went to the extent of removing the "backspace key" from my laptop.
Is she probably saying to me - no going back and erasing what you typed either?

Nah! She is just having toddler fun at mommy's expense

Lateral thinking

Everything has its place - - everything in its place
Right? Wrong!!
If you come to Shreya's house you will find

a) Incense sticks in the rice can

b) Cheese sticks in the Gods' almirah

c) Her toy cellphone in the dishwasher

4) Her bath toy in the fridge

5 ) her shoe (one foot that too) in the laundry basket

Am begnning to think that she wonders, as long as you know what to find where, does it really need to belong to its original place?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wimbledon to Woodbridge

If God presented himself in front ofme, you know what I would ask - nope ! not millions, not a fancy car or diamonds

I would ask for a miraculous transport of the ball boys at wimbledon -
coz their expertise in catching all the faults and net balls flying in theirdirection can be used at my house.

When shreya eats, she throws the food in all directions and I really wish thse ball boys were standing with bated breath to catch the food

Ah! Life of a parent with a food fighting toddler. Cooking, playing, cleaning, feeding, cooking, cleaning, did I mention cleaning?

14 months - A milestone

It seems like yesterday when shreya was born and where did those 14 mths go!

she walks everywhere, talks very little
wants to play all the time
ahh! toddlerhood

Went for her flu shots yesterday andmy perfect lil girl, was quite perfect
until she saw the doc

Then the bloody screaming began.
I wonder when she will get rid of stranger anxiety, rather doctor anxiety

I also juggle home admin with Shreya
I guess I need to spend more time with her by reading alot to her

I do have a lot of books for her, but she has very lil interest
Let me see what I can do to make her sit and read with me

What a sweet life with Shreya!