Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lateral thinking

Everything has its place - - everything in its place
Right? Wrong!!
If you come to Shreya's house you will find

a) Incense sticks in the rice can

b) Cheese sticks in the Gods' almirah

c) Her toy cellphone in the dishwasher

4) Her bath toy in the fridge

5 ) her shoe (one foot that too) in the laundry basket

Am begnning to think that she wonders, as long as you know what to find where, does it really need to belong to its original place?

1 comment:

Siva Nara said...

super duper.

Yep, she keeps things at an unknown place, that we end up checking most of the items in the fridge or kitchen counters.

Lots of fun and a great post.